Update Your 2022 MIPS Quality Measures Today

If you haven’t already, you should analyze your 2021 MIPS participation and performance and notify your StreamlineMD representative on the Quality Measures you will be using for 2022.

Safeguard Your EHR Against a RAC Review

When the RAC team evaluates your data, they use a checklist based on the Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) issued by the Medicare Administrators. Documentation and compliance with your LCD are key for reimbursement.  Inadequate notes will fail review if the documentation does not adhere to the pre-determined requirements set forth by your LCD. 

Update Your Computer Device Operating System

Keeping your computer operating system updated is critically important for your digital safety, cyber security, and overall Electronic Health Record (EHR) software performance experience.

Using Modifier 25 Correctly

Including modifier 25 appended to a procedure tells the insurer you should be paid for both an E/M consult and a procedure performed at the same visit.