BCBS is Reducing Payment for E/M Service on the Same Day as Procedure

CPT Modifier 25

Recent payer policies will only reimburse 50% when an E/M and procedure are performed on the same day. Payers are now adding a layer of complexity by reducing the Evaluation and Management (E/M) service payment by 50% when a separately identifiable E/M service is provided in addition to the minor procedure performed. The use of […]

Vertebral Fractures – Proper Documentation & Coding

The various image-guided percutaneous procedures used to treat Vertebral Fractures include terms such as Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty,  Sacroplasty and Augmentation.  The nuances of these procedures often cause confusion. This article discusses these procedures, their documentation, and CMS policy to obtain more clarity.

2023 Interventional Cardiology CPT Code Changes

The following information details Interventional Cardiology CPT changes for 2023 which may impact your practice. There are nine new Category I codes and three new Category III codes, two of which are add-on codes to the main procedure. Be sure to review below, update or create new report templates, and share with your practice management team(s) in preparation for January 1st in order to avoid billing and reimbursement delays.