2023 Interventional Cardiology CPT Code Changes
The following information details Interventional Cardiology CPT changes for 2023 which may impact your practice. There are nine new Category I codes and three new Category III codes, two of which are add-on codes to the main procedure. Be sure to review below, update or create new report templates, and share with your practice management team(s) in preparation for January 1st in order to avoid billing and reimbursement delays.
EHR Application Speed and Performance
Many practice owners try to cut corners to save money by buying “consumer” grade equipment and getting IT advice from relatives and friends. Do yourself a favor and invest in your medical office IT network by working with IT professionals and installing business-grade computer equipment.
Documenting Medical Necessity in the OBL, Vein and IR Clinic
Medical Necessity has moved to the forefront of not just government and commercial payor audits, but also False Claims Act (FCA) actions in 2022.
Update Your 2022 MIPS Quality Measures Today
If you haven’t already, you should analyze your 2021 MIPS participation and performance and notify your StreamlineMD representative on the Quality Measures you will be using for 2022.
Safeguard Your EHR Against a RAC Review
When the RAC team evaluates your data, they use a checklist based on the Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) issued by the Medicare Administrators. Documentation and compliance with your LCD are key for reimbursement. Inadequate notes will fail review if the documentation does not adhere to the pre-determined requirements set forth by your LCD.
Radiology Practices are Launching Office-Based Interventional Radiology Strategies
Modern and entrepreneurial hospital-based radiology groups are increasingly launching office-based endovascular and interventional strategies.
Coding & Billing for Diagnostic Angiography at the Time of Intervention
The purpose of this article is to provide clarity between when a diagnostic study performed at the same time as an interventional procedure can and cannot be billed.
Update Your Computer Device Operating System
Keeping your computer operating system updated is critically important for your digital safety, cyber security, and overall Electronic Health Record (EHR) software performance experience.
Endovascular & Interventional 2022 CMS Fee Impact
See the national average global allowed amount impact analysis of procedures commonly performed in Office-Based POS 11 (Clinics & OBLs) and POS 24 (ASCs).
CMS Cuts Jeopardize Patient Access to Vein & Vascular Specialists
On July 13, Medicare issued the proposed 2022 Physician Fee Schedule for Part B services, known as the Part B Proposed Rule. The Advocacy Committee has begun its review of the more than 1,700-page regulation. Comments from constituents are due by September 13, 2021. CMS will then review and update their Part B payment model and specialty impacts. Take action today!